The official site of the Northeast H.S. 124 Class

Since the 2007 reunion, there has been an overwhelming resurgence of interest among the alumni of the 124 Class to keep in touch with old acquaintances. In response, this site has been composed as a dedicated venue for the Class of 1965. From time to time, memorabilia, like the oldies noted on the sidebar, will be posted.

The list of allowed names has recently been constructed from our present mailing list. To post a blog, you must be an alumnist of the 124 Class and your email address must be registered with us in the class listing. Once we have your email, an invitation to post on the blog will be sent to you to register on the blog. Simply click it and follow the instructions, including registration of your email with blogspot. com. If you have not received an invitation, you may register with us by emailing the request with your name (include maiden name), address and email address to (BJS)

124 CLASS REUNION - April 29, 2007

Forty-two years ago, almost 1800 students were shuttled to a new school in the far northeast because the existing system could not accommodate the volume of the additional baby boomers. George Washington High School became the newest construction within the Philadelphia School District. It marked the continuing saga of what would become the 1965 graduating class – a combination of neighborhoods west of “The Boulevard” from Oxford Circle to Somerton. At the end of tenth grade, a little more than half of the class remained in Washington and the other half returned to Northeast High School to become the 124 Class. For the first 30 years after graduation, reunions were regularly held to commemorate the usual milestones. But, there were none after 1995. The 40th anniversary passed without much of a thought.

A group of classmates spearheaded by Yvonne Brand (nee Roberts) took it upon themselves to awaken the dormant 124 Class. Although classes do not customarily celebrate a 42nd reunion, any gathering of old friends and reminiscence of fond memories of two generations ago was long overdue. In addition to Yvonne, the committee, in alphabetic order, consisted of Howard Babbitt, Arthur Bachman, Joyce Seltzer Baratz, Eileen Frank Butler, Irene Chervinsky, Eileen London Levin, Ellen Goldstein Listick, Neil Mandell, Kenny Robinson, Cheryl Brookstein Saskin, Roberta E. Segal, Barry Snyder, Becky Steiman Talasnik, Eileen Wexler Weingram, and Janet Sweed Weisberg. Because of our common roots, we invited our old classmates from George Washington High School through their class liaison, Rob Derrins.

A remarkable Sunday was spent at the Philmont Country Club on April 29, 2007. More than 200 alumni gathered for an afternoon event that all agreed was truly memorable. Classmates traveled from Arizona, California, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Northeast High School colors of black and red decorated the tables and room as oldies but goodies played on the dance floor. After four hours, the affair ended at 5 PM, but people stayed until after 5:30 because they had such a great time.

2010 Reunion approaches

Believe it or not, plans are underway for our 45th Reunion in 2010. Tentatively, it will be a Saturday evening affair. We need to know current home and/or email addresses. A list of "missing" individuals will be posted on this site in the near future. If you have information regarding someone you know or yourself, please email it to our address at

Friday, December 28, 2007

Went to my first reunion in April . It was great. Saw old friends I haven't been in contact with for 30 years. We now get together once a month. Its great reliving a wonderful time in all our lives. Thanks for your time and effort. If you have another one, I would be glad to help out. Thanks again. TO ALL HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEARS